Today is a day.
A day in history.
Not quite for tomorrow,
Or even 3 weeks from now,
but centuries to come, our descendants will realize
this day as a day when the US was awakened -
realization dawning for all that WE ARE NOT INVINCIBLE.
Only seconds of precious life to live,
and we all hope we'll live it well, but HOW can we be SURE?
We can't.
So don't think that a 50 ft. fall from a building won't kill you,
Or the cut of a knife won't severe anything,
Or the words you utter in anger won't penetrate the heart of someone.
For all who died in this tragic event,
who were murdered by people who were governed by hate,
for the ones who hadn't yet fully lived life,
who didn't realize they didn't have any more time,
who realized in the last few seconds that this was it,
for those who realized they should have belived in God but didn't,
For those who praised him as they lost their lives,
For those who leapt to their fate 10 stories down,
who faced certain death,
who had to chose to jump or burn,
who realized they were doomed,
Who have given their lives to wake our country up and tell us we can't always win,
can't always defend,
won't always succeed,
won't know all the answers,
and must cherish life as much as we can before we go to our Father.
We honor you and praise you and pray for you and all
those you left behind.
You will remain in our hearts and our minds wherever we go.
To the survivors who escaped, you are a large part of history.
You've lived to tell the tale, and to wake us up and show us how much we take for granted.
Life isn't forever.
Not even in movies, TV, media...Nothing lasts
forever but the love we can pass down and the lessons
learned and the wisdom gained from horrid, sad events like this.
Don't let time slip by unnoticed, take nothing for granted...
Pray each and every day and share blessings.
Teach your children, let them know...
...Don't let them grow to live out hate and violence.
Before it's too late.

~In Memory of All Who Have Died In The Terrorist Attack on the United States on September 11th, 2001~