Hey all...got a scanner that I can finally use and am trying to scan all the pics I have so there are in one place...have a looksie around...more than likly you'll find yourself on here.  If not or you wanna add something or want me to take off a pic gimme a holla at ...shanale_eb@hotmail.com  

And yes, not all the pages work because I haven't put anything on them.

Pictures from....

Middle School update2.gif (1754 bytes) 11/3

Frosh update2.gif (1754 bytes)11/3


Junior 7/30



Sadies Hawkins 1999 (look under frosh if you care that much)

Morp 2000

Homecoming 2000 update2.gif (1754 bytes) 11/3

Sadie Hawkins 2000

Tolo 2001

Homecoming 2001

Tolo 2002

Prom 2002

Homecoming 2002