Story Time

This is a page filled with stories, some written by me and others not.  They are here for your strickly for your viewing pleasure...Enjoy!!

Related to the horrific tragedies on Sept 11th

The Binch
a strong poem written in the style of the Dr.Suess's the Grinch

I'm sure must of you have read this, but it is a commending editorial written by a Canadian editorialist.

A poem written to remember

Stories written by someone who is not me

A Friend

I got this one off an email ( it also appears in one of the Chicken Soup for the Teenage's soul).  It's a truly moving story that makes you treasure your buds even more.

These things I wish for each of you
by Paul Harvey
A poem that is very true to life, you should read it...honestly!

A short poem dedicated to friends!


Stuff I wrote!!

Under the Gale
Another story I wrote for english, I got a 100 on it though :)  It takes place in England during the medival era.

Who I am
A cheesy stupid poem that I wrote for english



Last Updated by Shannon Blackburn- 05/01/01. Return to the Shannon's Homepage
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